Learn Norwegian in a matter of weeks. Get started today.

Student testimonial
What we can help you with:
Become fluent in Norwegian in 8-12 months
Prepare for the Norwegian test
Get your permanent residency (Pass the A2 test)
Get your citizenship (Pass the B1 test)
Speak and understand Norwegian in your day-to-day life
Feel more at home in Norway
Become integrated and get your dream job. (B2 level)
You no longer need 250 hours of Norwegian training to get permanent residency or citizenship in Norway. Learn Norwegian and take the Norwegian test. It's faster, costs less, and you learn Norwegian in the process. Win-win!
Our passion is in our work, and we are very excited to help you in your Norwegian language journey.
Contact us if you have questions.
Looking for in-person courses?
Most popular: A1-B2 Package Deal
Go from complete beginner to fluent in 7-8 months with our A1-B2 course deal.
Pay only 1680 kr per month.
(for 8 months)
Only 13 440 kr total
Normal price: 16 796 kr
Save 3356 kr.
Other Package Deals
A1-B1: 1755 kr/month
A2-B2: 1815 kr/month
A1+A2: 1799 kr/month
B1+B2: 1980 kr/month
A1 Beginner
Online Course
Our A1 course teaches you the basics of the Norwegian language. A1 is the beginner's course, and where it all starts. We focus on getting you comfortable using the language, both in written and verbal form. The A1 course is the most important course in your language journey. Don't skip it! It's in this first course that you learn the most important grammar rule: verb tenses (past, future, present, infinitive +++)
That our students speak basic Norwegian after a few weeks speaks for itself. Our online classroom is teacher-led, interactive, and fun.
What you get in these courses:
Package deal options: A chance to go from beginner to fluent in 7-8 months with our A1-B2 package deal (1680 kr per month). Or complete your A1 + A2 level in 4 months for 1799 kr per month. Click here to read more about our package deals)
Live, 2-hour classes, twice a week
1-hour conversation class each week
One teacher to follow your progress and give you notes and correct your assignments
Real classmates and a team spirit
An interactive and engaging learning platform
Closed groups to submit homework. Get feedback on both written and verbal Norwegian from day one.
Free course material: a textbook, workbook, and grammar book in one ebook with English explanations.
Video recordings of live classes you can watch and re-watch to reinforce your lessons.
Free course repetition.
A1 Online Morning Course - 7 Weeks
Starts 16 October
Course schedule:
Mondays & Wednesdays
Time: 10:00-12:00 CET
Conversation Class:
Thursdays from 12:00-13:00 CET
A1 Online Evening Course - 7 Weeks
Starts 17 October
Course schedule:
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Time: 17:00-19:00 CET
Conversation Class:
Fridays from 17:00-18:00 CET
A1 Online Nighttime Course - 7 Weeks
Starts 17 October
Course schedule:
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Time: 19:00-21:00 CET
Conversation Class:
Fridays from 17:00-18:00 CET
Price: 3998 kr or two monthly payments of 1999 kr
or 1680 per month with A1-B2 Package Deal
B1 Intermediate
Online Course
Our B1 Norwegian course is one of our most exciting courses! This course not only prepares you for the Norwegian language test but also unlocks the key to the language. We'll help you improve your speaking and listening by expanding your vocabulary and practicing more complex grammar.
What you get in these courses:
B1+B2 package deal option for 1980 kr per month
Live, 2-hour classes, twice a week
1-hour conversation class each week
A tailored course for the Norwegian test
A focus on written and verbal Norwegian: written text paired with oral exercises the following day
One teacher to follow your progress and give you feedback from day one.
Real classmates and a genuine team spirit.
An interactive and engaging learning platform
Free course material: a textbook, workbook, and grammar book in one ebook, with English explanations. The B1 ebook has everything you need to pass the B1 Norwegian test.
Re-take the course as many times as you need. We know each student learns at a different pace. We got you covered!
Video recordings of live classes you can watch and re-watch to reinforce your lessons.
1-hour conversation class each week. This is especially important for the B1 students who want to take the Norwegian test. Practice makes perfect.
10% discount if you refer us to a friend.
B1 Online Morning Course - 7 Weeks
Starts 17 October
Course schedule:
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Time: 10:00-12:00 CET
Conversation Class:
Fridays from 11:00-12:00 CET
B1 Online Evening Course - 7 Weeks
Starts 3 September
Course schedule:
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Time: 17:00-19:00 CET
Conversation Class:
Thursdays from 17:00-18:00 CET
B1 Online Nighttime Course - 7 Weeks
Starts 17 October
Course schedule:
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Time: 19:15-21:15 CET
Conversation Class:
Thursdays from 17:00-18:00 CET
Price: 4400 kr or two monthly payments of 2200 kr
or 1980 per month with B1+B2 Package Deal
A2 Elementary
Online Course
Lenoo’s A2 Norwegian course builds on the foundation of the A1 course. It gives you a broader vocabulary and a better understanding of the language. You will work on grammar and the technical aspects of the language, and learn how to string words together to form more complex sentences and use colloquial language.
This A2 online course is perfect for students who have completed the A1 course or have knowledge and use of the basics of the Norwegian language, wherever they are in the world.
What you get in these courses:
Package deal options: A chance to go from elementary to fluent in 6 months with our A2-B2 package deal (1815 kr per month). Or complete your A1 + A2 level in 4 months for 1799 kr per month. Click here to read more about our package deals)
Live, 2-hour classes, twice a week
1-hour conversation class each week
One teacher to follow your progress and give you notes and correct your assignments
Real classmates and a team spirit
An interactive and engaging learning platform
Closed groups to submit homework. Get feedback on both written and verbal Norwegian from day one.
Free course material: a textbook, workbook, and grammar book in one ebook with English explanations.
Video recordings of live classes you can watch and re-watch to reinforce your lessons.
Free course repetition.
A2 Online Morning Course - 7 Weeks
Starts 17 October
Course schedule:
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Time: 10:00-12:00 CET
Conversation Class:
Thursdays from 13:00-14:00 CET
A2 Online Daytime Course - 7 Weeks
Starts 16 October
Course schedule:
Mondays & Wednesdays
Time: 13:00-15:00 CET
Conversation Class:
Thursdays from 13:00-14:00 CET
A2 Online Evening Course - 7 Weeks
Starts 17 October
Course schedule:
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Time: 17:00-19:00 CET
Conversation Class:
Fridays from 18:00-19:00 CET
A2 Online Nighttime Course - 7 Weeks
Starts 16 October
Course schedule:
Mondays & Wednesdays
Time: 19:15-21:15 CET
Conversation Class:
Fridays from 18:00-19:00 CET
Price: 3998 kr or two monthly payments of 1999 kr
or 1815 per month with A2-B2 Package Deal
B2 Upper Intermediate
Online Course
Lenoo’s B2 Norwegian course is the ultimate course to boost your Norwegian learning and reach fluency. Our native teachers will help you master the Norwegian language, covering conversation, pronunciation, writing, and grammar. In this B2 course, we will elevate your intermediate level to upper-intermediate, and you'll be well on your way toward fluency. There is no stopping you now!
What you get in these courses:
Live, 2-hour classes, twice a week
1-hour conversation class each week
A tailored course for the Norwegian test
Real classmates and a genuine team spirit.
An interactive and engaging learning platform.
Closed groups for homework and feedback on written and verbal Norwegian.
A focus on written and verbal Norwegian: written text paired with oral exercises the following day
Free course material: a textbook, workbook, and grammar book in one ebook, with English explanations. The B2 ebook has everything you need to pass the Norwegian test with a B2 result.
Retake the course as many times as you need. We know each student learns at a different pace. We got you covered!
Video recordings of live classes you can watch and re-watch to reinforce your lessons.
1-hour conversation class each week. This is especially important for the B2 students who want to take the Norwegian test. Practice makes perfect.
10% discount if you refer us to a friend.
B2 Online Daytime Course - 7 Weeks
Starts 17 October
Course schedule:
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Time: 13:00-15:00 CET
Conversation Class:
Fridays from 12:00-13:00 CET
B2 Online Evening Course - 7 Weeks
Starts 2 September
Course schedule:
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Time: 19:15-21:15 CET
Conversation Class:
Thursdays from 18:00-19:00 CET
Price: 4400 kr or two monthly payments of 2200 kr

What our previous students have to say:

"Fantastic five weeks of intensive A1 online class 😃 A very professional and motivating teacher with a great structure and teaching material. Lessons in reading, writing, and talking gave me a feeling for the language and made me comfortable with it in no time 🤓
I highly recommend Lenoo and already signed up for A2" - Vivian
"I feel grateful I found Lenoo as my Norwegian course. I not only found great teaching and professionalism but an entire community ready to support each other. I highly recommend this school, is the best you can ever find!! Thanks, Lenoo for having taught me soo much in such a little time!"- Giulia Milano
"I took norskprøve test A1-A2 after the course and I got positive results. I found that my speaking and writing skills have progressed - couldn't have achieved that without this course. Keep up the great work!" - Aleksandar Bozic
"An excellent Norwegian course with an amazing teacher. Excellent methodology and system that drives you in a simple and organized manner until you are able to understand and speak Norwegian at A1 level. Great atmosphere!
Totally recommended! At the end of the second week I understood the Norwegian language structure, I was able to understand most of a day-to-day conversation, write and speak". - Cesar Padron