Free Trial Classes
Come and get a taste of the learning experience at Lenoo. We use a method tailored to help you speak Norwegian and use it in your everyday life from the start.
Every month, we offer short 1.5-hour free trial classes to help you become familiar with our method. ♥ We want to get you off the fence and into the classroom - virtual or physical!
And don't forget to check out our classroom, and online courses as well.
A1 Beginner Level
Date: 24 February
What you get in these free trial classes:​
Free learning material for your level
A 1.5-hour long teacher-led class, as close to a classroom environment as you can get
An interactive and fun classroom environment; we work with e-learning material, whiteboards, conversation groups, and ask-and-respond exercises for an optimal learning outcome.
You bring a notebook, a pen, and an eager and motivated mind. We will take care of the rest. A warm welcome to class!
​A1 Beginner Level
Date: TBA
What you get in these free trial classes:​
Free learning material for your level
A 1.5-hour long teacher-led class.An interactive and fun classroom environment; we work with learning material, whiteboards, conversation groups, and ask-and-respond exercises for an optimal learning outcome.
You bring a notebook, a pen, and an eager and motivated mind. We will take care of the rest. Warm welcome to class!

How to Become Fluent in 6 Months
Date: TBA
The webinar is in English, as it is a webinar about how you can set yourself up for success with the Norwegian language. This webinar is suitable for beginners to more advanced learners.
What you get in the free webinar:
Free informative material about the psychology behind learning.
A free ebook with essential Norwegian. (All the basics easily explained)
A 1.5-hour long teacher-led class. The webinar host will be Siv Havik, the founder of Lenoo. With her background in psychology and over 10-years of teaching Norwegian, she will give you all the best advice to learn Norwegian quickly and efficiently.
Interactive and fun. We will make room for questions and answers.
You can get the recording of the class afterward. Simply ask the administration for the recording after the class.
We will send you the whiteboard slides after class.
We will share an exclusive discount offer during the webinar.
Bring a notebook, a pen, and an eager and motivated mind. We will take care of the rest. A warm welcome to our webinar!
Take a look inside our online classes

Lenoo online courses
What our former students say: